Happy Endings

It was N’s last day at his playschool this week. And despite being the stoic I can be at times (very few times) I did end up being emotional.

To top it up I saw this video at Divya’s blog and the tears just welled up. I made the husband stop and stand and see the video too.  Am sharing it here for all my readers too – you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO see it!! The lyrics are very touching and true 🙂 !! I promised myself to see the video everytime I wonder “When will N GROW UP?”.

N was totally amused seeing mom and dad all gooey and mushy and over-the-top (almost) lovey-dovey. Not that he didn’t love it! He totally used the opportunity to ask for stuff he isn’t allowed regularly – candy. One street-smart dude this one is. Ok, coming back to the topic, this is N on his first day at playschool (He was 1 yr 7 mos then) –

And here is him on the last day (He is 2 yrs 6 mos now) –

We love N’s current playschool – Little Elly! They have such caring teachers and school staff. The parents queries are always welcome and answered quickly. The school also keeps the parents informed and involved in all school activities. They take the li’l ones for field trips too 🙂 I love how they ensure that all aspects of a child’s growth are taken care of  – physical, mental and emotional.  The teacher:child ratio is great and they pay individual attention to all kids. They helped me potty train N which was such a big help! We have very fond memories of this school and will miss it when N goes to a different school from June.

4 thoughts on “Happy Endings

  1. Nice to know there are caring day care centers like these. Am sure N will find more friends n have a good time in his regular school too.

    • Knowing N he will blend in real soon initially but the feeling of being in a new school might sink in a li’l later. It took him almost a month to settle down in the current previous playschool. So my baseline is set somewhere around that.

  2. Awww….hugs Simran! I can totally relate to this post. My lil N was the same way…was 1 yr 9 months when she went to her first playschool and I could not stop my tears the day she ‘graduated’ from there. She took more than a month to settle down there but was much quicker in her next Montessori. So I am sure your N will be better this time around as well. Just prepare him mentally that he is now a big boy and will go to a big boys school 🙂

    Good luck! And glad you liked the song. It makes me teary eyed every time I see it too.

    • Yes Divya! I think N will do better this time, partly because he already has a friend who goes to the new school and he is bigger too. We have started a li’l bit of prep work about changing schools. Thanks!!

What do you think? I would love to know.